Soil management practices for maize
/ by Winstone Gypsum
There are a number of agronomic factors that can influence maize yield, soil condition is one area a grower can manage through their on farm activities.
A good soil structure is essential for strong maize root development and plant growth. Encouraging deeper rooting structure is important for plants to access a wider pool of nutrients and access water further down in the soil profile.
Maize crops are sensitive to soil compaction, so an important focus for growers will be on reducing compaction wherever possible. This may result in controlled traffic areas and delaying cultivation when soils are too wet. Reduced tillage to minimise soil disturbance is another option growers may like to use. (1)
Soil preparation prior to growing a maize crop will include seed bed preparation as well as an application of agricultural lime to maintain optimum soil pH between 6- 7.2.(1) Maize has a poor tolerance to soil pH less than 5 which increases the availability of aluminium and manganese, reducing root and plant development. (1)
Gypsum applications prior to maize planting will improve soil structure and encourage clay particles to flocculate, increasing soil aeration and water infiltration rates. Good maize germination rates and plant establishment will be easier in a well aerated soil with good soil structure.
In addition to soil structural improvements, the sulphur from gypsum complexes with aluminium in acid subsoils and removes it from soil profile, reducing aluminium toxicity exposure to the maize crop. (1). This will encourage deeper rooting plants.
Gypsum can be used as a supplementary source of plant available calcium and sulphate sulphur for periods of active maize growth particularly during early plant establishment. Applications of gypsum increase levels of available calcium and sulphate sulphur for plant uptake. (2) Calcium ensures good plant cell strength and sulphur is used in the development of amino acid proteins. (2)
Talk to your fertiliser advisor about using gypsum prior to sowing your next maize crop. A gypsum application is based on recent soil test results.
Gypsum is BioGro certified. Gypsum- it all starts with healthy soil.
Yara /Crop Nutrition/Maize/ Increasing maize yield Increasing Maize Yield | Yara New Zealand
Soil fertiliser, nutrition and yield of maize and barley with gypsum application on soil surface in no till, Leandro Michalovicz et al. 2014 SciELO - Brazil - Soil fertility, nutrition and yield of maize and barley with gypsum application on soil surface in no-till Soil fertility, nutrition and yield of maize and barley with gypsum application on soil surface in no-till